Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 10 Excellent Adventure

Sequin Tx to Natchez Mississippi (525 miles)

Today gets mixed reviews. The first 1/2 of the day today was spent on I-10 from Sequin past Beaumont, Tx. This includes getting through Houston, the city from hell. Now I remember why I avoided Houston the entire time I lived in Texas!! Most of the riding time was spent dodging crazy drivers who, we were certain, were trying to kill us. This stretch of I-10 is plagued with construction and lane shifts. The truckers were actually the best drivers on the road...the rest of 'em were nuts....and in a BIG hurry to get somewhere.

The second 1/2 of the day was spent on back roads in Texas, Louisiana and just over the border into Mississippi. It was immediately apparent when we left Texas and crossed over the Louisiana line....we didn't even need a sign! The roads immediately changed from smooth and freshly paved to old, cracked and chronically pot holed. I think I rattled all my fillings loose in the 150 miles of Louisiana back roads. These were probably the worst roads I've been on in any state.....someone needs to tell Gov. Bobby Jindal to get some of those Obama dollars and fix his %$#@ roads.

At the end of the day, we crossed the Mississippi river.....something I always enjoy. We finally got off the bikes around 8:15 p.m. Unfortunately, there are no pics from today. Tomorrow: The Natchez Trace!!!


  1. Oh so true about the roads in La., sorry! Jindal is a tool, so I doubt he'll do anything to fix them. That's what happens when you contract out to the lowest bidder.
    Have fun on the Trace! There are some beautiful spots. Stay cool!

  2. It's almost as much fun reading about it as doing it. Thanks for creating this Ceej. It's very nice.
