Day One of the Third Annual Skip and CJ's Excellent Adventure
Day one is never much of an adventure....which is really a good thing. There are no tales of tornadoes, floods, or pestilence to tell this early in the game. Nary even one drop of rain for that matter. Day One is always a meeting day. Since we are both starting from different states, we meet at some sort of central location in the general direction that we are heading. This year it's Birmingham, Alabama. Birmingham, Alabama, you say.....yuck! Well, yuck yes, but it worked in terms of logistics. Skip rode a toasty 472 miles, complete with her very cool cooling vest, (she said she did in in a mere 4 hours on her super sonic Silver Bullet Road Glide.....) and for me....a measly 350. I got the easy ride because I was relegated (or harangued) into working 1/2 a day today. But that's another story.
In any case....Skip and her buddy Mr. Happy were here waiting for me when I arrived. Mr Happy ALWAYS attends the excellent adventure, if for nothing else, to annoy me. This time, he tried to win me over early by greeting me with a yummy, ice cold Corona.
Tomorrow is a long (ish) day heading for east Texas! The great state of Texas is usually on our travel agenda, first, because Skip is from the United States of Texas, and second, because I have a strange fixation for The Big Texan. If my feet land in Texas.....they immediately point to the Big Texan in Amarillo. We'll be there later this week.......more on my Big Texan fetish then.
For now, the bikes are settled outside and we're settled inside. Happy Day One!!
What a beautiful pair of motorcycles. I like the view from above. I'll eagerly await the next post. grins, William